Thursday 30 April 2015

Associate Meeting On April 2015 : ‘Mission of the Laity’

Session on ‘Mission of the Laity’

Dear Lay associates of Poor Hand maids of Jesus Christ. A very warm welcome to this session on ‘Mission of the Laity’.


The man who created the revolution in motion pictures was Walt Disney. Walt Disney made one of the statements when he said, ‘If you Dream it, you can get it’. The Dreamers of today are the achievers of tomorrow. What they dream today becomes a reality tomorrow. The sisters of Poor Handmaids of Jesus Christ have a dream for all of you today so that you may become the achievers of tomorrow. For example, The Taj Mahal in Agra, India was in the mind of Shah Jahan, before it became one the wonders of the world. So was the Great Wall of China and St. Peter’s Basilica in Rome. All these were the first in the minds of men, then transformed into reality. Mahatma Gandhi dreamt of a free India, and Thomas Edison dreamt of a world free of darkness, and discovered the fluorescent bulb.

What are your dreams today? Have you begun to dream? Is there a spirituality of the laity? Is it possible for you to express your views freely in the Church? If so, how do you do it?

For PP Presentation Download In This Session Click on The Below Shown Images.